M T W Th F S S
Robertas Beinaris – artistic director and conductor of MUSICA HUMANA

Robertas Beinaris – artistic director and conductor of MUSICA HUMANA

Professor, Doctor of Musical Arts Robertas Beinaris graduated from J. Naujalis Music Gymnasium in Kaunas (teacher V. Masteika), completed post-graduate studies at the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre (associate Prof. R. Staškus); earned the degree of the Licentiate of Arts. In 2002–2003, he honed his skills at the Lyon National Music Conservatoire (Prof. J.L. Capezzali and J. Guichard). In 2013, Beinaris embarked on the Doctoral Studies at the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre (Prof. A. Vizgirda and Prof. A. Žiūraitytė), which he completed obtaining PhD of Musical Arts Degree in 2014. In 2023, he completed his Master’s in conducting studies (under Prof. D. Pavilionis), earning the Master Degree in Orchestral Conducting. Beinaris is a laureate of six international and national competitions.

Beinaris organises the Championship of Lithuanian Oboists, the Liutauras Vėbra International Oboe Competition, the International Chamber Ensemble Competition Muzikinė akvarelė (Musical Watercolour), J. Pakalnis International Competition of Wind and Percussion Instruments. In 2007, he formed the Lithuanian Oboe Quartet and served as its artistic director. In 2010, the Quartet grew into a Quintet. Since 2019, Beinaris has been the artistic director of the international music festival Kuršių nerija (Curonian Spit) and the co-founder and artistic director of the sacred music festival Su Palaimintuoju Teofilium (With the Blessed Teofilius). He is a frequent presenter of seminars and masterclasses in Lithuania and abroad.

The oboist appeared with Tuscan SO, Innsbruck SO, Lviv Philharmonic SO, the Lithuanian National SO, the Lithuanian State SO, the LAMT SO, the International Youth SO Operetta in Kaunas Castle and B. Dvarionas Music School student symphony orchestra, as well as the Lithuanian, Klaipėda, St. Christopher, Šiauliai and Kiev Soloists chamber orchestras, Hundisburg SummerMusicAcademy Orchestra, Vilnius University Orchestra, Kremerata Baltica, Camerata Klaipėda and Accademia Baltica chamber orchestra, the Lithuanian Armed Forces Band, the Lithuanian State Wind Instrument Orchestra Trimitas, and Palanga Wind Orchestra. He has collaborated with Čiurlionis Quartet, Kaunas String Quartet and Banchetto musicale.

As a soloist and a member of various chamber ensembles, he has given concerts in the USA, Sweden, Poland, Latvia, Estonia, Norway, Denmark, Finland, Austria, Germany, France, Italy, Belgium, Switzerland, the Czech Republic, the Ukraine, etc.; participated in many Lithuanian and foreign chamber music festivals. Beinaris often performs music by Lithuanian composers also being its first performer. He can be heard on more than ten CDs, including two solo CDs: Lietuviškos muzikos mozaika (Mosaic of Lithuanian Music) and Obojaus ornamentai (Oboe Ornaments).

Beinaris serves as the head of the Department of Wind and Percussion Instruments at the LAMT, and also teaches oboists in schools. He is a member of the Lithuanian National Philharmonic Society’s resident Chamber Ensemble Musica humana and since December 2018 has been its artistic director.

In 2014, Buffet Group, manufacturer of wind instruments (France), included him in the list of the most notable oboists. In 2015, the Lithuanian Musicians’ Union awarded Beinaris with the Gold Disc Award, and in 2021 he was honoured with the Archangel Michael Star for promoting the name of the Blessed Teofilius. In April 2021, Beinaris took part in the Corona-Special – The Online Orchestra’s world-record appearance of the largest virtual ensemble performing the European Union anthem. The Neringa Municipality awarded Beinaris the Medal “For Merit to Neringa” for his cultural contribution. He is also a recipient of the Medals of Honour of the City of Anykščiai and the City of Senoji Varėna.

Short biography

Professor, Doctor of Musical Arts Robertas Beinaris completed post-graduate studies at the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre (associate Prof. R. Staškus); earned the degree of the Licentiate of Arts. He honed his skills at the Lyon National Music Conservatoire (Prof. J.L. Capezzali and J. Guichard); pursued the Doctoral Studies at the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre (Prof. A. Vizgirda and Prof. A. Žiūraitytė), which he completed obtaining PhD of Musical Arts Degree. In 2023, he completed his Master’s in conducting studies (under Prof. D. Pavilionis), earning the Master Degree in Orchestral Conducting.

The oboist is a laureate of six international and national competitions, including 1st prize at J. Andrejs International Woodwind Competition in Riga. In 2009, Beinaris was voted the best soloist at the Lithuanian Championship for Wind Bands. He organises various wind instrument competitions, festivals and championships. He is the founder of the Lithuanian Oboe Quintet.

Beinaris appeared with Tuscan SO, Innsbruck SO, Lviv Philharmonic SO, the Lithuanian National SO, the Lithuanian State SO, as well as the Lithuanian, Klaipėda, St. Christopher, and Kiev Soloists chamber orchestras, Hundisburg SummerMusicAcademy Orchestra, Kremerata Baltica and Accademia Baltica chamber orchestra among many other orchestras and ensembles. The oboist has performed in the USA, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland, Austria, Germany, France, Italy, Switzerland and other countries. He has taken part in many music festivals; he often plays music by Lithuanian composers and is the first performer of the works; he has recorded more than ten CDs.

Beinaris serves as the head of the Department of Wind and Percussion Instruments at the LAMT, and also teaches oboists in schools. He is a member of the Lithuanian National Philharmonic Society’s resident Chamber Ensemble Musica humana and since December 2018 has been its artistic director. The oboist is a recipient of various awards; in 2014, Buffet Group, manufacturer of wind instruments (France), included him in the list of the most notable oboists.



MUSICA HUMANA Artistic Director
Tel.: +370 5 266 52 63

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